• Human Resources Dissertation Topics

    Ever wondered what makes companies like Google and Apple so successful? It’s not just their products but also their strong HR practices. Human Resources Management (HRM) is the secret that blends business strategy with the science of people management, ensuring that a company’s most valuable asset, its employees, is happy, productive, and aligned with the business’s goals.

    However, in today’s modern world, businesses need to be agile, and employees need to be engaged. HRM is the field that makes this happen. It’s about finding the right people, honing their skills, and creating an environment where they can thrive. That’s why students pursue their career in HRM because it’s a career that’s not just about hiring and firing; it’s about shaping the future of workplaces. 

    Although, as a human resource management student, you will study different concepts, frameworks, and theories related to HRM, However, before you complete your graduation, you have to write and submit a unique dissertation on a human resource management research topic of your choice. Without any doubt, It is a vast area for research which is why many students feel challenged while picking up the latest and best HRM dissertation topics

    So, if you are one of them and struggling to find suitable Human Resource dissertation topics then fret not. In this guide, You will learn about some of the best and trending Human Resource dissertation topics such as training and development, performance management, employee retention, diversity & inclusion, etc. We will familiarize you with the main arguments based on the evolution and transformation in the field.

    The field of Human resources (HR) integrates ideas of Business and Physiology. The Human Resources dissertation topics are related to the responsibilities followed by HR managers. It is a vast area for research and plays a vital role in organizations. The HRM dissertation topics are related to the responsibilities of human resources in the workplace.

    You will learn about some of the important Human Resource dissertation topics such as training and development, performance management, employee retention, diversity & inclusion, and other HRM dissertation topics. We will familiarize you with the main arguments based on the evolution and transformation in the field.

    Strategic Human Resources Management Dissertations:

    Human nature is indeed unpredictable, which has given way to having a person look them over in office setups. This is where Human Resource Management came in. Now, over the past years, human resource management has expanded and changed greatly according to the growing need. Employees were formerly considered a resource that needed to be managed. And are now generally considered as the company’s most valuable assets. Which has shifted the focus of HRM, hence shifting the paradigm in this field. 

    So, this HRM dissertation topic and ideas and its policies should cover the company’s growth topics and enable it to meet its objectives

    As an HRM student, you might wish to focus your dissertation on Strategic Human Resources Management. If it appeals to you then here are some topics that might be interesting for you.

    • To study talent management
    • Should HR managers conduct the interviews for hiring in a bank?
    • The role of market competitive packages on employees engagement and employee motivation
    • HRM strategy. How can you achieve this in practice?
    • How Ai has affected the strategies implemented by HR management.

    Training and Development of Human Resources Dissertation Topics

    Training and Development is an ideal topic for an HR Dissertation due to its significance in the field. 

    Training and development is one of the most important and interesting Human Resources Dissertation topics. Due to competition from outside companies, there has been a rise in the acknowledgment of the significance of human resources in the past few years. Big companies from first-world countries are heavily investing in this area. 

    Below are some fascinating key topics that can be more focused for your human resources dissertation topics on training and development.

    • Does the bottom line benefit from training and development?
    • Soft skills, Does employees are getting trained with the technology 
    • How orientation programs can benefit the company and employees.
    • Is training and development worth it?
    • Who provides the trainer with training?
    • How do businesses survive when the economy is getting down from the training and development perspective?

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HRM as Competitive Advantage Dissertation Topics

Various studies have concluded that an organization’s human resources can be a significant source of competitive advantage. Effective HRM practices can strengthen a company’s work culture. Your dissertation from HRM dissertation topics could focus on how HRM techniques are helping modern organizations gain a competitive edge. You can get the best dissertation help online on edu

  • Incentive pay: How to retain a high value staff to ensure a competitive advantage.
  • Quick and inexpensive labor: Are gig economy workers being abused to gain a competitive      edge?
  • Employment security: A guarantee of employment stating that no employee will be laid of due to the lack of work
  • How service provider can facilities and can provide easy knowledge transfer
  • Putting digital technologies into practice to improve organizational performance and HRM.

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Rewards HRM Dissertation Topics

As we have heard, that pay is the most primary factor for the motivation of employees. But, pay is an extrinsic factor. Extrinsic factors also include other traditional benefits as well. On the other hand, the Intrinsic factor plays a significant part in motivating the employee. It includes giving flexible working hours, respect, good and healthy working space, and good friendly relations with colleagues and higher management. Some might even say that Intrinsic motivation is more important for employees’ motivation than  Extrinsic. If this finds you interesting, then here are some topics you should consider for your HRM dissertation. some key points you should consider for your dissertation

  • What connection exists between employee motivation and employee autonomy?
  • Does compensation based on pay make teamwork less effective?
  • How flexible working hours is important for employee motivation
  • Do extrinsic rewards play an important part in the caring sector?
  • Is there any difference between the motivation of British and Chinese workers?

Employee Retention Dissertation Topics

Retaining the best employees is always the challenging part for organizations. Especially in the industries where skillful employees are less. Therefore, it is critical to investigate strategies and keep the best talent. Here are some key dissertation topics that you can find useful for your HRM dissertation. 

  • What is the connection between training of employees, staff arrangements and the retention of employees.  
  • The connection between the learning and development of the employees.
  • How to provide a good work life balance, in order to retain and motivate key employees.
  • How to overcome the dissatisfaction of the employees with the company culture.
  • How to overcome the problem of employees feeling the burden of work or feeling unsupported. 

Performance Management HRM Dissertation Topics

Many people think that performance management systems are not that effective, yet, the performance management system has become popular in recent years. A well established  system can provide clear objectives to the employees about the company goals and objectives. Also, it allows employees to discuss and get feedback on work from the upper management.

  • Analyzing how performance management systems are efficient for call centers
  • What opinion do Indian workers have on the banking industry’s performance management systems?
  • Can systems of performance management help to encourage staff members?
  • Examine how well remote teams used performance management systems during the COVID era.

Diversity and Inclusion Dissertation Topics

Diversity management can be considered as the company’s proactive involvement in the promotion and development of the people who work together as the workforce. Diversity is taken into consideration when creating an organizational strategy. This includes the culture, rules, and procedures that influence mutual respect and communication. As well as the performance of individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole in a varied setting. The following are some ideas for a human resources dissertation on diversity and inclusion:

  • Do flexible working hours policies help to influence greater policies in teams.
  • What is the connection between diversity and performance of organizations in Chinese small businesses?
  • How diversity management can help to get benefits in the workplace.
  • Ethics and diversity in the workplace and management.