Good GCSE Speech Topics And Ideas For Students
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70+ Good GCSE Speech Topics And Ideas For Students

The Speech GCSE includes the assessment of students’ spoken language abilities. In front of the entire class, students must display their speaking and listening abilities in one of the most significant sections of the English GCSE test.. Many students typically choose from a range of GCSE speech topics and present a speech, followed by a discussion with the examiner. This assessment not only increase their knowledge towards the topic or subject but also it has the ability to structure student thoughts, use persuasive techniques, and engage the audience.

Since there are too many options available on the internet, so it makes it quite challenging for students to pick the unique topic who will help them to get good marks in exams. So, if you are one of them who is struggling to select the interesting GCSE speech topics to impress your reader? Fret not it normal because choosing the good GCSE speech topics can be daunting, especially for your GCSE student. So, if you are one of them and looking for helping hand then have come to the right place.

Because in this blog post we will share 70+ GCSE English speech examples which is designed by our experts. Moreover, by the end of this blog you will easily pick the impressive GCSE English speaking and listening topic. Besides, if you still find hard to select the best topic or stuck in how to write your assignment then you can avail our academic writing services. Our experts will help you from start to end make sure you get high marks in your final exams.

How to Choose Remarkable GCSE Speech Topics?

How to Choose Remarkable GCSE Speech TopicsDo you have trouble deciding on the greatest GCSE speech topics and want to know how to come up with ideas? we are here to help. In this area, we will help you understand what factors to consider while choosing the latest and trendy speaking and listening themes. As a result, read over the suggestions carefully to get valuable understanding. Moreover, you can also read our Google Scholar Research Topics if you have to write a research paper on variety of industries, including education, science, technology, and other areas. 

  • Decide Your Interest Area

Selecting an engaging topic for your GCSE speech writing is essential, as it will enable you to compose your paper more skilfully. Choosing a topic for your paper that you are enthusiastic about will also make it more engaging.

  • Do Thorough Research

You can find better possibilities for your themes by conducting thorough research, which will enable you to determine which concepts are popular. Furthermore, you can comprehend the gap and develop a distinctive theme if you conduct extensive investigation.

  • Don’t be too Vague

It’s important to keep in mind that GCSE English speech examples shouldn’t be overly specific or general. As a result, overthinking a single concept will make it difficult for both you and the reader to understand. So, while choosing a theme, you should never overlook one thing.

  • Check the Relevancy

Many students  select speaking and listening assignments without considering their applicability. Thus, you should review the policies provided by your university as a first step. This will help you determine what matters to your readers so they will be able to relate to your writing.

  • Seek Experts Help

Since our academic writing services are experienced and have aided numerous students just like you, many of you are hesitant to use them. Therefore, if you feel that you are having trouble coming up with a title, they will offer you some original ones that will definitely help you impress your reader and get an A+.

Ultimate List of 70+ Best GCSE English Speech Topics

Choosing unique and catchy GCSE Speech Topics is crucial because this is the first thing the reader will notice in your paper. So, if you want to get good grades, you must choose an exceptional title below you can see some of them which is designed by expert writers. 

GCSE English speech topics 2024

  1. Should governments worldwide take climate change more seriously?
  2. Are there more drawbacks to social media than benefits?
  3. Describe how technology is affecting schooling. A sword with two edges
  4. Which books—traditional or electronic—are best for learning?
  5. What part does music play in identity and cultural expression?
  6. What effects do video games have on young people’s behaviour and social skills?
  7. What effects has globalisation had on regional languages and cultures?
  8. Is it appropriate for kids to participate in creating the curriculum?
  9. Sports and physical education are important in universities.

Funny GCSE Speech Ideas

  1. What future effects will automation have on the labour markets?
  2. Talk about the moral issues surrounding animal testing in science.
  3. Examine how creativity and the arts contribute to personal growth.
  4. Immigration’s impact on a country’s identity and economics
  5. Discuss the relevance of multilingualism in the present globalized community.
  6. What are the effects of climate change on the living organisms and the environment?
  7. Look at the role children have in the political and social activism.
  8. The impact of tourism on the preservation of historic sites and civilisations
  9. The advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy
  10. What role does gender equality play in the workplace and in education?

Trending English GCSE speech topics

  1. Analyse the impact of celebrity culture on youth ambitions.
  2. Evaluate the role of combating inequality and poverty in education 
  3. What effect does rapid fashion have on the environment and ethical considerations?
  4. What role does space exploration have in the contemporary world?
  5. What are the 21st-century advantages and disadvantages of urbanisation?
  6. The importance of conserving Native American languages and customs
  7. Recognise the moral ramifications of artificial intelligence and data privacy.
  8. What role does literature have in understanding people’s emotions and experiences?
  9. What are your thoughts on the UK’s euthanasia legislation?

Best GCSE English Speaking Topics 2024 

  1. Describe your fave singer or band.
  2. Discuss a hobby you find enjoyable.
  3. Talk about whether you’re in favour of or against the “reinstatement of the death penalty.”
  4. You could talk about animal abuse in travelling circuses.
  5. You could talk about a culture or nation that you’re interested in.
  6. Speak in favour of or against the proposal to outlaw homework.
  7. Discuss the motion, “Donald Trump is a corrupt president,” in favour of or against it.
  8. Describe your position on Brexit.
  9. Talk about the proposal, “Students shouldn’t have to wear school uniforms,” and express your support or opposition.
  10. Talk about teen technology dependence and addiction.
  11. Describe your favourite academic subject and why.
  12. You may talk about racism, sexism, and feminism.
  13. Talk about the pay disparity between men and women.

Also Read: What Is Correlational Research Definition, Examples, And Methods

Interesting GCSE English Speaking Topics

  1. Talk about the proposal, “Students shouldn’t have to wear school uniforms,” and express your support or opposition.
  2. Talk about teen technology dependence and addiction.
  3. Talk in-depth about your preferred academic subject.
  4. Tell us what you think about racism, sexism, and feminism.
  5. Talk about the matter of paying male and female employees differently.
  6. Think about the different opinions concerning the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.
  7. What is the ethics of industrial farming, animal experimentation, animal abuse, and animal liberation in the society?
  8. Discuss the ethical considerations on euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
  9. Explain why immigration is good and bad.
  10. What are the advantages? What drawbacks do gun control measures have?
  11. Talk about a few social media-related challenges that affect young people today.

Good GCSE Speech Ideas

  1. Should the voting age be raised or lowered by the government?
  2. Which of the two, the nature or the nurture is said to have the big influence in the personality of a person? Explain in details
  3. Explain whether the motion: “Donald Trump is a corrupt president” should be supported or opposed.
  4. Are robotics and artificial intelligence becoming anti-human everywhere?
  5. Are the young people of today dependent on their phones?
  6. Talk about your favourite musician or singer.
  7. Should the death penalty be reinstated? Discuss the proposal in favour of or against it.
  8. You could talk about animal abuse in travelling circuses.
  9. You could talk about a culture or nation that you’re interested in.
  10. Speak in favour of or against the proposal to outlaw homework.

Latest GCSE Speech Topics for Students

  1. Should the government give climate change more serious consideration?
  2. Are zoos to be outlawed?
  3. Do the disadvantages of social media outweigh the benefits?
  4. Is it moral to test animals?
  5. Should capital punishment be reinstated?
  6. Which, nature or nurture, has a bigger impact on a person’s personality?
  7. Explain Is vaping is more harmful than smoking or not?
  8. Do teenagers have a phone addiction?
  9. Should governments everywhere take climate change more seriously?
  10. Is technology’s influence on education a double-edged sword?
  11. Are printed books or e-books more beneficial for learning?

Professional Tips on How to Start Your GCSE Speech

Knowing the tricks that will undoubtedly make the opening of your paper exciting is essential if you want to make a great first impression on your GCSE English speaking exam. After reading this blog you will understand what to remember while working on your GCSE speech assignment. 

  • Start with Interactive Question
  • Share Your Personal Story
  • Draw an Imaginary Picture
  • Use Powerful Quotes